Magna Carta – the great charter of freedoms  

Magna Carta was an agreement that was signed on 15 July 1215 by King John of England. This paper became an important symbol of liberty because it laid the grounds for protests against the crown in the future. It is also a milestone in British and American democracy.

Kong John signerer Magna Carta

What is the Magna Carta?

The Magna Carta made the king’s power less. Unpopular kings forced taxes to lead expensive wars against France. The Magna Carta was supposed to protect the British elite’s wealth and power.

The 3,600-word-long contract included three important parts:

  1. Everyone should get a fair trial.
  2. The king og queen couldn’t demand the taxes they wanted.
  3. If the king or queen didn’t follow the law, they could be removed.
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Magna Carta presentert til kong John av England
Magna Carta presentert til kong John av England

What is Magna Carta?

Kopi av Magna Carta
Kopi av Magna Carta

British conditions

Three of the 63 parts of the Magna Carta are still part of UK law today: the rights of the Church, the rights of the city of London, and the right to a fair trial.

American conditions

The free man’s rights against the tyranny of kings were written down in the Magna Carta. This inspired the American colonists to make their own laws and rebel against Georg III and his taxes. Several documents are influenced by the Magna Carta.

The United Nations

Principles from the Magna Carta are also reflected in the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

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Stortinget, Oslo, Norge
Stortinget, Oslo, Norge

Did you know that …

… the whole document was written as one text in Latin, but later versions split the text into 63 clauses?

… the whole document was written only by one person who shortened some words to save space on the page?

… the Magna Carta was written in iron gall ink, made from tree gall, iron sulfate and water?

… the Magna Carta was written on paper made of dried sheepskin?

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Kong John signerer Magna Carta
Kong John signerer Magna Carta


  • Ny vitenskap (2016)
    Orage Forlag AS

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