What are your dreams for the future?

How do you imagine your future life? What choices do you face, and which direction will you take?

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The future

No one knows what will happen in the future. Some people have dreams, and some know exactly what they want for the future. 

Some people find it difficult to think about the future. Some are afraid of the future and others look forward to it.

EN dame som sitter og ser utover sjøen
EN dame som sitter og ser utover sjøen

Dreams for the future

Dreams change during life. When we are little children, we dream about playing and eating. Teenagers can dream of falling in love or being good at a sport. 

Dreams can be about a specific job, where you want to live, or that you will become rich. You may dream about living in the countryside or in a town, or in a completely different part of the world.

What are your dreams for the future?

Jente som står å ser ut i luften og smiler
Jente som står å ser ut i luften og smiler

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