Can you buy a human being?
Human trafficking is the organised trafficking of people. Those behind it take advantage of children, women and men, making them do work and services through force and violence. All such trade is a violation of human rights.

Menneskearm med strekkode

Trist ansikt av jente delvis lagt i skygge.

To personer gjør opp en handel med et barn som sitter i bakgrunnen med bøyd hode.

Gulnet tegning av slaver som jobber på en bomullsplantasje.
Human beings are still being sold
Human trafficking is still a serious problem in many parts of the world. There are strict laws against slavery, but there are still people who take advantage of others. Why do you think someone would do this?

Amerikanske dollar og hender som er bundet med et sort tau.

En redd jente som sitter på gulvet i et mørkt rom og dekker ørene med hendene sine.

En steinlegger som sitter på huk og legger på plass en ny stein.

Asiatisk jente med skader etter slag i ansiktet.
Abolish slavery and human trafficking
The UN has set a goal of eliminate slavery and human trafficking by 2030, and all child labour by 2025. Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 states that the UN must:
«Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.»

Liten gutt jobber med tunge løft på en byggeplass.

En arrestert person med håndjern.
What can YOU do?
Victims of human trafficking have special rights. ROSA – help for victims of human trafficking – has long experience, knowledge and a network in the field. They can help victims get guidance, legal help, support equipment and a safe place to stay. They are also bound by confidentiality.
Do you suspect that someone is subject to coercion and exploitation?
Contact ROSA for guidance and/or help on their national 24-hour line. Tel – 22 33 11 60
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