Christmas cards become a tradition

Wishing each other a merry Christmas goes back a long way. People used to walk around and knock on people’s doors. Then the idea of a Christmas card came.

Gammelt julekort
Gammelt julekort

The first Christmas card

It was a British man named Henry Cole who first came up with the idea in the early 19th century. His friend John Calcott Horsley drew a beautiful Christmas card. Cole copied the card and sold the copies. A new business idea was born.

On the first card from 1843, you see a family who sits around the dinner table together. The words ‘A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’ are printed on the front of the card. The card was delivered in person and was seen as a gift.

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Første julekortet fra 1843, illustrasjon av John Calcott Horsley
Første julekortet fra 1843, illustrasjon av John Calcott Horsley

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