Freedom of speech – can we say what we like?

Freedom of speech gives us the right to express our opinions. But does that mean that we can say what we want?

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What is freedom of speech?

What if someone stopped you from saying what you mean in class, or that you couldn’t post what you wanted on social media? What if you couldn’t speak up to the government if you wanted to? 

We do not need to think about that in Norway. We have a democracy that looks after people’s right to freedom of speech.

Freedom of opinion and expression is the right you have to:

  • Express your opinion – as long it is not hateful or discriminatory 
  • Search for, find and give information using media

The United Nations (UN) has a Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is supported by the whole world. Article 19 protects our right to freedom of opinion and expression.



The road to freedom of opinion and expression

The idea of freedom of opinion and expression came in the Enlightenment period, but it was not until 1948, after World War II, that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was passed.

Article 19 is the article that protects our freedom of expression and opinion.

Article 19

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedom to speak your mind was limited. Journalists and politicians were often censored if they criticized the government.

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Is freedom of opinion and expression under threat?

In many countries, people are not allowed to speak their minds, especially against the government.

One example is Russia, which limits people’s right to speak their minds. In 2012, Russia made a law that stops people and the media from talking about LGBTQI+ people.

Je suis Charlie

Different groups make threats in Western Europe as well. One example is from 2015 when 12 people were killed because they had published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a newspaper. 

Many people condemned this action and published statements on social media marked #jesuischarlie.

Is there a limit?

Is there a limit to what we can say? Many countries have laws to control our right to speak freely and stop discrimination. Hate can lead to hate crimes. There can be discrimination because of sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion. Hate speech and threats are sometimes published on social media to hurt specific individuals or groups.

Hate speech

Hate speech is communication in speech, writing or behavior, that attacks or uses discriminatory language about a person or a group on the basis of who they are.

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The UN points to three typical signs of hate speech:

Hate speech can be communicated through images, cartoons, memes, objects, gestures and symbols, offline or online.

Hate speech is discriminating or demeaning – of an individual or group.

Hate speech is about real, claimed or implied things that identify an individual or a group. It can be based on religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender. It can also be based on language, economic or social origin, disability, health status, or sexual orientation, among many others.

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Bakgrunn med masse tekstbobler med stygge meldinger i emojier
Bakgrunn med masse tekstbobler med stygge meldinger i emojier

Religious hatred and Quran Burning – a dilemma

When a protester burned a Quran in Stockholm, Muslims around the world became enraged.

Is Quran burning an act that should be prohibited because it is religious hatred?

Or is this freedom of speech because one can say and believe what they want?

A lot of people believe that destroying religious books, especially burning the Quran, is an illegal act.

If you do not like what is written in a book, you can talk about what you do not like, but do not burn the book, others say.

We can also consider whether it is wise to do something, even if it is not forbidden.

In Sweden, the authorities believe that burning a Quran is part of freedom of speech.

It is not forbidden to burn a book in Norway, even if it is important and sacred to others. However, the police have not permitted people to do this due to “security” concerns.

In Finland, violation of religious peace is prohibited, and therefore Quran burning is also forbidden.

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Express yourself?

It is difficult for LGBTQI+ people in daily life. They are more likely to be discriminated against in the job market and in schools and hospitals. They also run a higher risk of violence and sexual assault. Some also have problems with their families.

Not everyone accepts transgender people. They experience a lot of hate and bullying. Some people believe they can “cure” LGBTQ people with “conversion therapy”. The therapy is meant as a treatment to change sexual identity. There is no scientific proof that this kind of  therapy works.

In some countries, there are strict laws against being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. They also stop people from searching the internet for information or speaking about their issues.

Despite this, some dare to speak up and claim fairness and speak about injustice.

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Illustrasjon av mennesker der noen har pride farger
Illustrasjon av mennesker der noen har pride farger

“Don´t say gay” in the USA

In Florida, in 2022, a law called Parental Rights in Education was passed. It is also called the “Don’t say gay” bill, because it is meant to limit schools from discussing LGBTQ+ matters. 

People who agree with this believe that parents should decide what children learn in school. People who disagree claim that this bill is a violation of the Human Rights and the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

There has been a rise in the number of anti-LGBTQI+ laws filed in the US over the past years. How do you think that these kinds of laws affect the freedom of opinion and expression?

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Et tog med pride plakater
Et tog med pride plakater

How can we defend freedom of speech?

There are many ways to defend and support freedom of opinion and expression. It is important that the authorities support human rights and work with other countries on this issue. 

It is also important to focus on the role of journalists who focus on what is of interest to the people. Their role should be strengthened. 

Reporting injustice is necessary to protect the freedom of opinion and expression for all people. 


  • (31.08.2020): SIAN brente ikke Koranen på demonstrasjonen i Oslo i helgen.
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