Opptøyer under franske revolusjonen
Dictatorship is the opposite of democracy. In a dictatorship, one person or a small group controls the power of the country. People under dictatorship have little freedom. Iran is one example of a country with a dictatorship. Here you can be killed or put in jail if you criticise the leaders.
📷 US President Donald Trump is the first US President to cross the border into North Korea to meet Kim Jong-un, who is a dictator.

USAs president Donald Trump er første amerikanske presidenten til å krysse grensen til Nord-Korea for å møte øverstkommanderende av den totalitære ettpartistaten, Kim Jong-un.

Pinochet i en bilparade i Santiago for å feire 9-årsjubileet for hans statskupp.
We must not forget
We have seen many coups in history, for example when Adolf Hitler became the leader in Germany in 1933. He won fairly, but when he got power, he didn’t care about the other political parties. He took control on his own. So a country can go quickly from being democratic to becoming a dictatorship.
📷 30 January 1933: Hitler is hailed as the newly appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Hitler hylles som Rikskansler

January 6, 2021: The Day As It Happened

The Security Council
- statskupp i Store norske leksikon på snl.no.
Hentet 8. januar 2021 fra https://snl.no/statskupp
- Aftenposten (7.2. 2021): Politiaksjonen var for liten og kom for sent. Hvordan er det mulig å innta det amerikanske demokratiets høyborg?
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