Propaganda: what can we trust?
It is said that the first casualty of war is truth, because who is really telling the truth - is it those attacking or those who are defending themselves? Can we actually believe anything at all? If so, how do we know what that is? In every war, there is propaganda used, but what exactly is it?

The first victim of war is truth
It is said that truth is the first victim of war. How can you know who is really telling the truth – are they attacking someone or maybe defending themselves? Can we actually believe anything at all and how can we know what is what? Propaganda is used in every war, but what exactly is it?

En mann står med en ropert og leder en demonstrasjon.

En skygge av en person står bak et TV-apparat og holder fiktive seere fast med tråder.

Nazistenes propagandaminister, Joseph Goebbels, holder tale.

Portrett av Jonas Gahr Støre
Taking advantage of people’s feelings
Example 1
Propaganda will often take advantage of our feelings. We allow ourselves to be influenced by people who mock others, have outbursts or use strong emotions to get their message through. When Adolf Hitler delivered a speech he was quite often angry, and people became afraid to disagree with his opinions.
📷 Adolf Hitler i Weimar in 1933.

Adolf Hitler i Weimar 1933.

Trust and credibility
If we trust someone, we will believe most of what that person says and does. Who do you trust? Most people in Norway trust the King. When he makes a statement about something, a great number of people will trust what he says.
Another person that many people trust is the secretary general of NATOJens Stoltenberg. He behaves objectively, in a believable manner and is well prepared when he delivers a speech. He runs a form of propaganda when he speaks to the NATO member states to stand together.

Natos generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg (2022).

Stortinget i Oslo i 1940 med hakekorsflagg og stort banner med tysk tekst.
Example 2
During the war between Russia and Ukraine this deepfake video was spread on social media. Those that know the president will be able to tell that his face has been manipulated, and the voice that you can hear is not the president’s voice. The sender is unknown, and the video has caused confusion amongst the people of Ukraine. Is it true or is it a lie? Is this part of Russian propaganda?

Bombet skolebygning i Ukraina
- VG (21. mars 2022): Slik ses krigen fra Russland: − Det er Washington som har skylden
- Dagsavisen (21. mars 2022): Norske artister hever stemmen mot rasismen
- BI (21. mars 2022): Slik avslører du propaganda
- Svendsen, Lars Fredrik Händler; Grue, Jan: retorikk i Store norske leksikon på
Hentet 21. mars 2022 fra
- Elden, John Christian; Mæhlum, Lars: sensur i Store norske leksikon på
Hentet 21. mars 2022 fra
- Wikipedia (21. mars 2022): Propaganda
- Skirbekk, Sigurd: propaganda i Store norske leksikon på
Hentet 21. mars 2022 fra
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