Music can change the world

The role of music in society goes back a long way. Music reaches people of all ages throughout the world, and is today an important way to react to both political and social life.

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Music as a mirror of society

Historically, music has reflected the community of its time. Artists and composers have been inspired by their circumstances to express themselves musically, either to please or annoy others. Music is used for both happiness and sorrow, or as a reaction to social problems.

The music of the Viking Age

Song and music played an important role in the Viking Age. There was music for celebration, when children were put to bed, or when heavy work was done. The Vikings used musical instruments in war. They did not write down notes, so we have no record of what their melodies sounded like. Many of their instruments have been discovered. The Vikings played music on bronze lur horns, bone flutes and goat horns. Chiefs and kings showed their power and strength by having their own musicians.

📷  Bronze lur horns discovered in Brudevælte, Denmark in 1797.

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