The French Revolution

The French revolution led to many changes in society. We must know the reasons for the revolution to understand it. We also need to know some important events, dates, and names. The French Revolution took place in the 18th century.

We study history to understand why societies change and to see what we can learn from it. The thoughts and ideas behind the French revolution led to big changes in many countries.

Det franske flagget som ser gammelt og slitt ut.
Det franske flagget som ser gammelt og slitt ut.

The king made all the decisions

In France in the 18th century, the king made all the decisions and had all the power. The people and the king believed that he got this power from God. 

The king decided on the laws, who should pay taxes, and how much they should pay. 

📷  Replica of one the masks belonging to Louis XIV. He was the king of France from 1643 to 1715.

The tax money was often used for war. The king wanted France to be a great power. They took part in the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). In this war, they supported the colonists that wanted to free themselves from Great Britain. France won many battles, but the economy still broke down.

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Kong Ludvig 14. med gullmaske pyntet med papegøyefjær.
Kong Ludvig 14. med gullmaske pyntet med papegøyefjær.

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