The political system of United Kingdom

What is the British form of democracy like?

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The political system
of the UK

The UK is made of four countries (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and has two main Houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.


The House of Commons

People vote for the 650 members of the House of Commons. The leader of the winning party becomes the Prime Minister.

📷 Chamber of the House of Commons in the Houses of Parliament, London.
Chamber of the House of Commons in the Houses of Parliament, London.
Chamber of the House of Commons in the Houses of Parliament, London.

The House of Lords

The House of Lords has different kinds of members. The ruling king or queen, the monarch,  is the ceremonial leader of the state and must approve new laws suggested by the government.


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    1. Getty Images
    2. Civil Service Local—Cabinet Office/© Crown copyright (Open Government License 3.0)
    3. UK government (Open Government License 3.0)