Nordlys over naturlandskap i Norge

Tre menn og junder foran en samisk lavvo fra sent på 1800-tallet

Stallo really wasn’t a nice Santa, but rather a terrifying figure who wreaked havoc with the Sami everyday and at parties.
He was able to take on different shapes for different occasions, he was visible and invisible at the same time, everywhere and nowhere. Nobody had seen him, but everybody had heard of him. From time to time, you could hear the sound of a pipe or a whistle in the wind, and this was Stallo playing. The whistle was so sharp that it could be dangerous to your hearing. To the indigenous people, Stallo was in nature, perhaps even nature itself – the force to which all humans are ultimately subject.
The supernatural has a unique ability to live on in Christmas traditions, but for the stories to survive from generation to generation, they have to be spectacular. They had to upset and touch their audience, preferably slightly more with each generation.
The legend of the herd of reindeer that turned to stone is one such story. As you read through it, think about how it has become exaggerated over the years. You have been warned!

Nordlys over naturlandskap i Norge

En samisk gutt kjører slede med reinsdyr.
All of a sudden, there was no more noise from the children. The maid came out of the lavvu to look for the children. She saw that the moon had sunk down onto the woodchopping block and turned into Stallo. She saw that Stallo had killed the children. Terrified, the girl ran to the old woman in the other lavvu, who advised her to take the best riding reindeer to Kautokeino to fetch the parents. The old lady also said that she should wear her travelling cape loosely on her head, and that on her journey she should ride underneath a bent tree.
The girl went to the entrance of her lavvu, where she could see Stallo preparing the bunch of children as a Christmas meal for himself. She could see that the youngest child was still alive.

Nordlys over naturlandskap i Norge
When she arrived at the church, she told the parents what had happened to the children. They didn’t believe her, but nonetheless agreed to come home.
When the man arrived at the opening of the lavvu, he saw that Stallo was sitting in the tent eating the children, one by one.
The beast looked up, saw the man, grabbed him by the beard and tore it off. The matron came forward to see what was happening, but Stallo grabbed her too. He grabbed one of her breasts and tore it right off, and then Stallo ate the parents as well.

Trær og busker med rim på vidda i Finnmark.
- Magisk Jul – Julens myter og overtro (2020)
Orage Forlag AS
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