Writing in your own words
Have you ever been given an assignment at school with instructions saying “write in your own words”? What does that mean and why do you have to do it?

Writing in your own words
Have you ever been given a task at school with instructions saying “write in your own words”? What does that mean and why do you have to do this?

Ung jente sitter på senga med en notatblokk i fanget og tenker med en blyant i munnen.

Ung gutt sitter på en stabel med bøker og tegner på en vegg samtidig som han ser på sin laptop.

En elev får tilbakemelding på en skriftlig oppgave av en lærer.

Mann som kopierer noe i en kopimaskin.

Timeglass med turkis sand som står på et tastatur til en laptop.
It’s OK to work together!
It’s important to be able to work with others, and it is often very helpful to discuss what you are learning in a group. It is HOW you work together that makes the difference.
Working together:
- isn’t about giving each other the right answer, but rather helping each other understand terms and concepts better.
- is about finding good strategies to solve problems together, not having one student do all the work.
- means having each student turn in their own answer to the assignment individually, even if they have worked on the assignment with others.

Luftfoto av fem studenter som sitter rundt et bord og samarbeider.

Stor gammel bokhylle med mange gamle bøker.

Hvit snakkeboble på blå bakgrunn.

Hvit snakkeboble på blå bakgrunn.
Reference list
When you write your reference list, you will need to include the author, year of publication, title, type of publication (book, magazine, web page, TV program etc), and publisher. You may also want to state which issue or edition you used.
If you use Internet sources, you must also provide the URL and the date that you retrieved the information. This is because online sources often change and are easily moved around.

Åpen laptop med halv åpen bok bak skjermen som et symbol for digitalisering.
Various reference styles
When you write a paper, the type of reference style you use will impact how you set up your citations and reference list. One of the most well-known and commonly used reference styles is APA.
In the links below, you can find information on the different styles and how to use them:

Hvit snakkeboble på blå bakgrunn.
Now what?
If you put an extra effort into your writing, you will discover that writing in your own words and citing sources correctly have important gains.
Not only will it help improve your writing and comprehension, but your reader will probably give you better assessment, and also, better grades.
It doesn’t have to be difficult, and it will let you take ownership of your progress as a language learner. Just remember that copy and paste is not something you learn anything from!

Bena til tenåring går opp en trapp med fargerike trinn.
- ung.no (31.05.2022): Hva vil det si å «skrive med egne ord»? https://www.ung.no/oss/DxPCeNnaYkoWxkCLk029qb
- ndla.no (31.05.2022): Fra kilder til egen tekst https://ndla.no/nb/subject:1:51a7271b-a9d5-4205-bade-1c125a8650b5/topic:2:a4bf97c3-9daf-4587-bc9f-822855432151/topic:2:6f2e6731-2e3e-4762-b233-c55ab0067aca/resource:5312970b-4c69-4cbc-b900-679f43cb5bb8
- kildekompasset.no (31.05.2022): Kildekompasset
- Norsksidene (31.05.2022): Mer om kilder
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