Have we stopped evolving?

Everyone who is alive today descended from one woman who lived in East Africa about 200,000 years ago. The researchers call her Eve, and her genetic material is still found in all our cells. In Eve’s time there were very few people, and only her descendants remain today. Little by little they have spread across the globe. Even though we have spread across the world, our genetic material is surprisingly similar. There are no clear genetic differences between people from different continents or different ethnic groups. There are actually much greater differences between different chimpanzees. Since we are so similar, some people wonder whether we have actually stopped evolving.

Menneskets evolusjon med et menneske med smarttelefon
Menneskets evolusjon med et menneske med smarttelefon

Some traits are favoured

For evolution to take place, more individuals must be born than those who survive.The individuals must be different, and those differences must be hereditary. The hereditary traits are passed from parent to child. Some traits are better adapted to the environment than others. Individuals with these traits have a greater chance of growing up and having children themselves, and these traits are then passed on to the next generation.

Prosessen av hvordan en solsikke blomstrer
Prosessen av hvordan en solsikke blomstrer

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