Valentine’s Day

Why do we celebrate love precisely on the 14th of February and rush out to buy roses, chocolates and cards? And what if we don’t have anyone to give a present to? What if we don’t get anything?

Et glad par som gir valentines gave til hverandre
Et glad par som gir valentines gave til hverandre

The day of love

On the calendar, February 14th is marked as Valentine’s Day. In Sweden they say Alla hjärtans dag (the day of all hearts). In Norway some call it Kjærlighetens dag (the day of love). Nevertheless, the English name is used the most commonly, and the celebration of the day itself is also most common in English-speaking countries. In Norway, Valentine’s Day was first mentioned in the newspapers at the end of the 19th century, and since the late 1900s it can be called a tradition. If we are to explore the reason for this celebration, we need to travel to Rome in Italy.

En mor og datter som lager valentinsdags gaver
En mor og datter som lager valentinsdags gaver

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