Propaganda: what can we trust?

It is said that the first casualty of war is truth, because who is really telling the truth - is it those attacking or those who are defending themselves? Can we actually believe anything at all? If so, how do we know what that is? In every war, there is propaganda used, but what exactly is it?

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The first victim of war is truth

Truth is the first victim in a war. How can you know if someone is really telling the truth? Are they attacking someone or maybe defending themselves? Can we believe anything at all, and how can we know? Propaganda is used in all wars. But what is it?

En mann står med en ropert og leder en demonstrasjon.
En mann står med en ropert og leder en demonstrasjon.

What is propaganda?

In war you can find both a physical side and a propaganda war. Propaganda is when someone affects people’s feelings and thoughts in a strong visual way, through news or speeches.

There is no dialogue, and information is spread through one-way communication. The goal is to spread a political or religious message so that other people believe it is true.

Where can you find propaganda?

Propaganda is spread through mass media such as TV, radio, social media, online news, posters, advertisements and films.

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En skygge av en person står bak et TV-apparat og holder fiktive seere fast med tråder.
En skygge av en person står bak et TV-apparat og holder fiktive seere fast med tråder.

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