What is meant by social inequality?

Social inequality means that there are differences between people when it comes to money, education and social opportunity. The UN focuses on making these differences smaller. People need to have the same opportunities.

Norway is a good country when it comes to equality, but at the same time, differences between people have grown in the past 20 years.

By social class, we mean people’s background when it comes to income, wealth and education. This is also called socioeconomic status.

People with high socioeconomic status have better health and more opportunities. Politicians worry that the differences are getting too big.

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Sosialt gap
Sosialt gap

The difference between equity and equality

Absolute and relative poverty

Absolute poverty is what we see on TV: children from poor countries who don’t have enough food, water or health services. Living in absolute poverty means that you don’t have more than US $2.15 a day.

In Norway, children don’t live in absolute poverty, but we do have children that live in what is called relative poverty. This means not having the same opportunities as others in the same country, like for example not having money to attend activities.

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Fattig gutt
Fattig gutt

Social differences are growing in Norway

Norway is one of the countries in the world that has the least social differences. But they are getting bigger because the richest in Norway are getting richer.

Statistics also show that work immigration makes the salary lower for the lowest-paid jobs.



It can be difficult for families when the differences become big. The richest push the prices up, and that makes it difficult for those who don’t have that much money.

Child poverty in Norway has grown since the beginning of the 2000s. The number went from 84,000 in 2013 to 110,900 in 2018. Child poverty is now higher than before and is growing faster than adult poverty.

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Mynt i stabler
Mynt i stabler

Consequences of social differences

Growing up in poverty can affect children’s health and also social life. Research shows that children from poor families do not participate in so many activities with other children. This can lead to loneliness and isolation. It can also be difficult when it comes to birthdays, holidays and Christmas.

Children who come from poor families tend to have low incomes themselves when they grow up. Perhaps it is because of less help with homework at home.

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Gutt på sidelinja
Gutt på sidelinja

How can social differences be stopped?

It is difficult to find an answer. The responsibility lies mainly with the politicians. There is a need for a policy that makes the differences smaller.

The UN convention says that children have the right to spare time. The Red Cross says that spare time activities must be cheaper so that everyone can join for example football or handball teams.

All children must be able to go to school. The family background shouldn’t matter. All children should have the same opportunities.

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Barn padler kano
Barn padler kano


  • Fløtten, Tone (red.): Barnefattigdom (2009)
    Oslo. Gyldendal akademisk.

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    1. Getty Images
    2. Australian Human Rights Commission – YouTube
    3. Getty Images
    4. Getty Images
    5. Getty Images
    6. The Children’s Society – YouTube
    7. Getty Images