Can’t I just Google it?

There is an insane amount of information on the Internet. Where on earth should you start looking? A classic response in the classroom is: “Can’t I just Google it?”. If only it were that simple!

Søkemotor på internett der det står Search med samme farger som i Google.
Søkemotor på internett der det står Search med samme farger som i Google.

What is a web browser?

When we need to find information on the Internet, we use a web browser. It is a program that makes it possible to read the information that is available online. The most common browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox and Opera.

When we use a browser, we access various websites. In the browser, the web pages are called tabs. We can have several tabs in the browser to be able to quickly switch between web pages.

Many people find it difficult to read what is written on websites. In a book, the pages look pretty much the same, and we read from top to bottom and from left to right. On websites, the information can be in different places on the page, and it can be difficult to see what is important. In addition, there can be film clips and cookies (advertising).

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Binær kode som beveger seg i atmosfæren over jordkloden
Binær kode som beveger seg i atmosfæren over jordkloden

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