What are action verbs?
When you are given a writing task, the instructions will mostly include verbs to let you know what kind of text you are supposed to write. These verbs are called action verbs. Some action verbs in English are to reflect, to compare, to describe, to explain, to apply, to explore, and to discuss. Understanding the use of these verbs is important, but what do they really mean?
En tegnet mann med en tankeboble
Hånden til et barn prøver å ta på en varm kokeplate.
Troll gjemmer seg bak en granbusk.
Rødt funkishus
Modern kitchen interior in the luxury residential house, with wide windows and natural light. Big bouquet of dried pink roses in the vase on the kitchen table. The view through the open door.
You may for example choose to start describing from the left side of the room and go towards the right, or you could start your description from the time you enter the room and go around in a clockwise direction until you have described the entire room.
If you change where you start describing a room, you give the reader another perspective, and they will experience the room in a different way.
Oljeplattform foran en himmel med fiolett farge.
Ektepar fra tidlig 1900-tallet der mannen i mørke klær står foran kvinnen i hvite klær.
How do you discuss?
Take a closer look at this example:
Assignment Prompt
Discuss the following: should local and federal authorities be allowed to use drones and CCTV to monitor and record everything that happens in public spaces 24/7 to prevent crime?
En drone som flyr inn mot en by
Compare the two following texts:
Gammelt gulnet papir.
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