Why do we celebrate Easter?

The story of the Israelites escaping from Egypt is the beginning of Easter. In Christianity, Easter has become a holiday to celebrate the rebirth of Jesus. But Easter is also about Easter eggs, cabin trips, crime books and holidays.

Påskebakgrunn med påskeegg
Påskebakgrunn med påskeegg


Lent is the time before Easter. Lent means fasting, which is when you avoid everything that is not necessary. Today, some people still do this, but it was more common in the olden days. Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday, six weeks before Easter, to Friday at Easter. 

During Lent, people were supposed to eat very little and reflect on the message of Easter. In the days leading up to Lent people could feast and enjoy food as they pleased. Celebrations and Mardi Gras, a French term meaning “Fat Tuesday” took place in this period. Many people still enjoy celebrating this tradition.

Shrovetide is the days before Lent. The first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday. On this day, some people wear ashes on their heads. The ashes sometimes come from palm branches that were burned the previous year after the Sunday before Easter, called Palm Sunday. 

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