The Cold War

Following the Second World War, we had a period in history called the Cold War. The Soviet Union and the United States had been on the same side during the war, but after the war they became rivals. Both countries wanted to rule the world in their own way, and had opposing ideologies. This resulted in a war between East and West where the authorities resorted to espionage in an attempt to find out what their rivals were doing. The United States and the Soviet Union have never used weapons against each other, but have come close on several occasions.

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The Cold War

The Cold War was between the United States and the Soviet Union. They got help from other countries that supported them. They tried to buy as many weapons as possible to scare the other. The goal was to be the biggest and best.

Stor russisk kanon foran en blå himmel med hvite skyer.
Stor russisk kanon foran en blå himmel med hvite skyer.

Communism versus capitalism

The United States and the Soviet Union did not agree on how the world should be ruled. The US and other Western countries wanted democracy and capitalism. The capitalists owned a lot and hired a lot of people to work for them. The money they earned went to the owners. The state’s task was to give social services like health, schools and defence, but they did not have control of the money. The gap between the owners and the workers was big.

Communism was the opposite of capitalism. They believed that no one should own too much and everyone should have the same opportunities for work. Communist countries were often ruled by one party that harmed other political opponents. After the Second World War, the Soviet Union began to spread communism around the world.

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